Old houses and their compounds are good grounds for hunting ghosts! I have limited memories of this old house that I have renovated (and am still renovating) so I have few ghosts to capture but the house and the land on which it is standing has given me so much to learn from the past. For example, just two weeks ago while taking a student around the house I suddenly saw a small round object on the ground. Instinctively I knew it was an old coin – but my student said it was an old mirror. Of course the teacher was right. The reason why it was easy for me to know what it was is because that wasn’t the first time I’d found an old coin half-buried or fully exposed on the ground. Before this I’d found 2-3 old coins at the same house. Based on a better “specimen” this coin was from the Straits Settlement “period” and it’s made of copper and had a value 1 cent.

I’m sure one cent then was a lot so my forebears must have really been careless with their money to lose it like that. Maybe they had holes in their pockets? Poor peasants with holey pockets!!!