I'm sharing with you the pictures that I took ealier today when I went sight seeing on my own again (yes I sort of skipped school today). But I have tell my story in a reverse chronological order because that's how blogspot intends it to be!

This a picture of the signboard of the Coptic Orthodox church in front of the United Nations building in the International Centre. The whole place (or plaza) is located on an 'artificial' island (I need to check my facts later) in the middle of the Danube river.

This is the ramp in front of the United Nations building.

The United Nations building. I don't know who designed it or the story behind the design. All I know is that it's tall and many business-like people wearing suits work there.

My lunch at the U4 station "Heiligenstadt". They gave me a good luck cookie but the piece of paper in it is written in my new third language, i.e. german. If and when I finally get it translated (google translator can do this in seconds) I may share it with you. Anyway, the last time I had a good luck cookie was years ago when I was an undergrad at Duke...I don't remember if I ever got one in Cambridge... Anyway, the lunch was quite spicy so I couldn't finish it all. So much for being a Minangkabau from Negeri Sembilan.
psssttt *I probably need to rename my blog*