so that I have every reason in this world to find it back....
I'm blogging from Vienna. Today is my fourth day here. Just now it took me quite awhile to get to this page because unlike it normally did back in Malaysia, all of a sudden the language was in German instead of English, my beloved second language.
I speak no German except for one or two words and I have the bad habit mispronouncing words (even in Malay and English) so communication (hence understanding) can be very difficult. Worse, I am a shy sort of person so when I make mistakes I get really embarrassed and feel that I shouldn't even try next time. *bad*
In case you're wondering what took me to this part of the world, I'll tell you that I'm here to do research! Nothing else. Only to learn and study and gain knowledge that I can share with my students (especially) and colleagues (maybe) and friends and family (of course).
People here speak plenty of English (thank heavens) but write little English. I mean you only see German on the back of buses or water bottles. Two days ago I had to ask the girl at the counter if what I'd picked up was really a facial cleanser and she confirmed that it was indeed used as 'make up remover'. Yes the phrase 'make up' is on the label.
This being-lost-in-german experience has been really wonderful. This is my first time ever on continental Europe and thank heavens it's Vienna and not some other place (can't name names).